Ibiza History Culture

Established 1982
Ibiza Artists Anthropology Bibliomania Ecology History Features


by Gary Hardy

Ibiza History Culture Picture Postcards - One to Eight



Several years ago I produced a set of sixteen Ibiza History Culture Picture Postcards from photographs that I took on my travels around the island, which are still currently on sale here in the office at only one euro each.

I thought it would be an interesting idea to publish them over a separate two-week period at eight postcards per week so our readers could see a little more of the colourful wonders on the island of Ibiza.

Postcard Number One

Postcard Number Two

Postcard Number Three
Postcard Number Four
Postcard Number Five
Postcard Number Six

Postcard Number Seven

Postcard Number Eight

Titles: The sixteen Ibiza History Culture Picture Postcards has been given an appropriate title and here are the stories written behind each of postcards from number one to eight.

N° 1: Cortejo saliendo de la Iglesia de San Joan, en día de Fiesta

N° 2: Alegría de vivir

N° 3: Descanso en el camino, un respiro viendo pasar el tiempo

N° 4: A segar al huerto, los conejos, gallinas y cerdos esperan su ración de verde

N° 5: De vuelta a casa con la leña para alumbrar el hogar

N° 6: Recogiendo algarrobas a mano como en los viejos tiempos

N° 7: Guardando las cabras y ovejas evocando la niñez

N° 8: Cavando las habas en el huerto casero

Gary Hardy
