Ibiza History Culture
Sant Antoni de Portmany
07820 Eivissa
Illes Balears
Telephone WhatsApp: +34 670 340 367
Established 1982


Weekly Edition 048: Saturday 26th January 2002

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Island Ecology
by José P Ribas

Racing Pigeons - Part Five

For the first time, the International Grand Prix will be held in Spain, at the International Race Loft at Sant Rafel (Eivissa), built on a 20,000 square metre site in the middle of the Island.

The event was going to be organised by the three racing pigeon clubs on the Island, but finally the entire event is going to be organised by the "Club Colombófilo Santa Eulalia" and, most of it, by "Club Colombófilo Portmany". So, the entire organisation and the performance of this first Spanish Grand Prix will be exclusively under the control and the responsibility of these two clubs.

The "Club Colombófilo Eivissa" has totally stepped out of the organisation, the cost, and the performance or in fact with anything to do with the event. 

Even so, the success of the "Eivissa Grand Prix" seems to be guaranteed by the great experience of our breeders, the extraordinary quality of the stocks, with a first class pedigree for the birds, and the official help from all the local (Sant Antoni, Santa Eulária, Sant Josep, and Eivissa Town Halls,"Consell Insular" and "Federación Balear de Colombófilia") National ("Real Federación Colombófila Española") and International ("Federación Colombófila Internacional") Institutions. 

It is very interesting to see how such an event is organised. Newborn pigeons from many different countries (Korea, Iran, Egypt, South African Republic, Mexico and Argentina among others) are already being selected by their breeders to participate.

The special preparation of these birds starts twenty-five days after the pigeons break their shells. As soon as the young birds are abandoned by their parents and they can feed just by themselves, they are put apart and as soon as the legal papers, veterinary health certificates, etc are ready, they will be sent to the International loft, in Sant Rafel, Eivissa.

The loft was built for a thousand birds. This is the expected participation, as far as pigeons, though we cannot yet tell the number of countries.

Once in the loft, the young pigeons, all of them sons and grandsons of champions with the best pedigrees, will live together under the same conditions. They will eat the same type of food; they all will have the same hours and systems of training, the same physical preparation and health care.

The Final will be celebrated on the 25th October 2002, from Lorca, Murcia. As you can see in the following pages of the "Eivissa Gran Prix" brochure that we have published here for you to read, together with the rules, conditions and other helpful information of this event. 

International Grand Prix 2002

All pigeon breeders belonging to the Federations and members of the International Pigeon Breeders Federation (FCI) may send their pigeons to the Grand Prix. Registration of each pigeon cost 122 Euros/100 Dollars.

Pigeons must be received at the Race Loft between 1st May and 31st May 2002.

The pigeons must be sent so that they arrive between Monday and Friday, to allow for prompt delivery, to the following address:

Bar Can Marça
Ctra. Sta. Eulalia, Km. 4
07840 Sta. Eulalia del Rio (Ibiza).

The Grand Prix race will take place on 25th October, and 20% of the total of participating pigeons will be classified.

The veterinary-medical requirements established by the Veterinary Service of the Autonomous Community are known to the various Federations. They can also, however, be checked with the General Secretary of the Grand Prix Championship, Ms. Martha Van Geel or the Spanish Pigeon Breeders Federation.

The owners of the pigeons that finish among the top twenty-two (22) will receive a cash prize, to which will be added the prize for finishing within the first 20% of the pigeons taking part.

The registration fee must be deposited in the following account before sending pigeons.

Account Name: Gran Prix Ibiza.

Account Number:From Spain: 2090 6403 10 0040 146639.

                         From abroad: IBAN ES 21 2090 10 0040 146639.

Please send the receipt to fax number: +971 34 10 25.

General Information & Health Requirements for importing homing pigeons

The animals object of the operation and the respective documents must be in line with the Commission Decision of 16th October, 2000 laying down the health requirements and veterinary certifications for the import of birds other than poultry and the conditions for quarantine (notified with number C-2000 3012; Text with EEA relevance; 2000/666/CE). They must also be covered by an Animal Health Certificate of Origin issued by the Official Authority, on which the following must appear:

Identification Details


Exporters: Surname and name or exporting company. Postal address, telephone or fax number.

Importer: Surname and name or importing company. Postal address, telephone or fax number.

Transport: Planned day of arrival. Point of entry into the country. International means of transport used.

Animals’ establishment of origin: Name of the owner or owning company, postal address, telephone or fax number.

Animals’ destination establishment in Spain: Name of the owner or owning company, postal address, telephone or fax number.

Animals: Number, Species, Sex & Tattoo or individual identification.

Health Regulations

The undersigned official veterinary surgeon certifies

Country: The country of origin has been declared before the OIE to be free of avian influenza and Newcastle Disease (Viscerotropic velogenic strain), a status recognised by Spain.

Animals: The animals object of this certificate have stayed uninterruptedly in the certifying country since hatching or since their first day of life, only having previously been in countries that can certify that set forth in chapter II, point I, section A.

They have been bred and have stayed uninterruptedly in the establishment of origin as stated above, where in the last six (6) months there have been no registered cases of Newcastle Disease (other strains) Infectious Avian Encephalomyelitis, Monocytosis, Dermatomycosis, Listeriosis, Salmonellosis, Ornthosis/Psittacosis, Viral Arthritis, Mycoplasmosis, Fusospirillosis, Marek’s Disease, Avian Cholera, Tuberculosis, Infectious Bronchitis, Laryngotracheitis, Hepatitis and Duck Virus Enteritis, Fowl Pox, Gumboro Disease, Coccidiosis or any other infectious noticeable disease.

They have been kept under the observation of the official veterinary surgeon or authorised veterinary surgeon and have shown no signs of any contagious or parasitic disease whatsoever, especially regarding those mentioned above, in the thirty days prior to shipping.

In case of vaccinations having been administrated during raising, the vaccinations used against Newcastle Disease were carried out using a lentogenic strain of the virus.

The absence of Chlamydia Psitcci has been determined by means of a conjunctiva or cloacal swab.

And will certify

In the country of origin: The birds must be raised in or subjected to quarantine in installations approved and supervised for such matters for a minimum of 30 days, during which time the relevant tests and controls shall be carried out.

In Spain: depending on the country of origin, for the time the official authorities deem necessary to ascertain the health status of the birds.

West Nile Virus

Due to the international situation regarding West Nile Virus Disease and information relating to the presence of the disease in countries where it did not exist historically, the exporting country’s official Veterinary Authorities must also certify that: “The birds covered by this certificate are not native to, do not come from and have not stayed, during the thirty (30) days prior to their exportation, in any Country/State/Province/Department affected by West Nile Virus.”

“After a period of observation by an official or authorised veterinary surgeon, no symptoms attributable to the West Nile Virus have been detected in the birds’ establishment of origin or in the birds that are the object of this exportation in thirty (30) days prior to shipping.”

For further information, contact:

Juan Torres. Telephone: +34 609 48 79 43.

Antonio Ferrer. Telephone: +34 617 91 17 80.

E-Mail infor@granprixibiza.com

Website http://www.granprixibiza.com

Let the best pigeon win! Good luck to the organisers and to all the participants.

"Sociedad Colombófila Portmany"

"Club Colombófilo Portmany"

"Sociedad Colombófila Portmany" was founded on 1st February1971, in Sant Antoni de Portmany (Eivissa) by a group of 19 local friends. Most of them were already expert pigeon fanciers and breeders, with their own and important stocks. In 1988, the name was changed to "Club Colombófilo Portmany". 

The first president and his team was formed by:

Vicente Roselló Prats. President.

Juan Torres Roselló. Vice-president.

José Roselló Serra. Secretary.

Juan Prats Riera. Treasure.

Plus Vocals: Ramón Ribas Juan, Daniel Ribas Ribas, José Cardona Costa, Mariano Roselló Torres.

Since then, the following presidents have been:

1971 - 1975: Vicente Roselló Prats.

1975 - 1979: Juan Torres Roselló.

1979 - 1983: José Roselló Serra.

1983 - 1985: Juan Torres Roselló.

1985 - 1996: José Ribas Ribas.

1996: Juan Torres Roselló.

Even though the Club was young, the extraordinary quality of the pigeons, the deep experience and knowledge of the breeders, soon started to be successful, in the Regional (Balearic) Competition as well as in National Concourses. The actual records of “Club Colombófilo Portmany” are one of the best of the history of the Balearic Federation.

Balearic Champions of several categories in the following years

1972: "Concurso Regional Gran Fondo" (Regional Concourse Greater Distance, from Ayamonte, Huelva) Winner. Vicente Roselló Prats.

1973: "Concurso Regional Fondo" (R. C. Long Distance, from Almuñecar, Granada) W. Antonio Costa Riera.

"Concurso Regional Gran Fondo" (R. C. Greater Distance, from Jerez, Cadiz.) W. José Cardona Costa.

1975: "Concurso Regional Gran Fondo" (R. C. Greater Distance, from Mérida, Badajoz) W. Mariano Roselló Prats.

1982: "Concurso Regional Velocidad" (R. C. Speed, from Hellín, Murcia) W. Vicente Prats Marí.

"Concurso Regional Fondo" (R. C. Long Distance, from Almadenejos, Ciudad Real) W. Daniel Ribas Ribas.

1984: "Concurso Regional Velocidad (I)" (R. C. Speed, from Lorca, Murcia) W. Francisco Prats.

"Concurso Regional Velocidad (III)" (R. C. Speed, from Lorca, Murcia) W. Diego Mena Tirado.

"Concurso Regional Gran Fondo" (R. C. Greater Distance, from Badajoz) W. José Torres Costa.

1985: "Concurso Regional Fondo (I)" (R. C. Long Distance, from Almadenejos, Ciudad Real) W. José Torres Roselló.

"Concurso Regional Fondo (II)" (R. C. Long Distance, from Almadenejos, Ciudad Real) W. Vicente Prats Marí.

1986: "Concurso Regional Velocidad (I)" (R. C. Speed, from Lorca, Murcia) W. José Costa Torres.

"Concurso Regional Velocidad (III)" (R. C. Speed, from Lorca, Murcia) W. Daniel Ribas Ribas.

"Concurso Regional Fondo" (R. C. Long Distance, from Almadenejos, Ciudad Real) W. Daniel Ribas Ribas. 

1987: "Concurso Regional Velocidad (I)" (R. C. Speed, from Lorca, Murcia) W. José Ribas Ribas.

"Concurso Regional Velocidad (III)" (R. C. Speed, from Lorca, Murcia.) W. Vicente Bonet Ribas.

"Concurso Regional Fondo" (R. C. Long Distance, from Almuñecar, Granada) W. Juan Prats Ferrer.

1988: "Concurso Regional Velocidad (I)" (R. C. Speed, from Munera, Albacete) W. Vicente Prats Marí.

"Concurso Regional Velocidad (III)" (R. C. Speed, from Munera, Albacete) W. Vicente Bonet Ribas.

"Concurso Regional Fondo (I)" (R. C. Long Distance, from Almadenejos, Ciudad Real.) W. José Costa Torres. 

"Concurso Regional Gran Fondo" (R. C. Greater Distance, from Don Benito, Badajoz) W. José Torres Roselló.

1989: "Concurso Regional Velocidad" (R. C. Speed, from Valls, Tarragona.) W. Francisco Prats Ribas.

"Concurso Regional Fondo" (R. C. Long Distance, from Almadenejos, Ciudad Real) W. José Ribas Ribas.

1990: "Concurso Regional Velocidad (IV)" (R. C. Speed, from Munera, Albacete) W. Vicente Bonet Ribas.

"Concurso Regional Fondo" (R. C. Long Distance, from Almadenejos, Ciudad Real) W. José Torres Roselló.

1991: "Concurso Regional Velocidad (II)" (R. C. Speed, from Lorca, Murcia) W. Vicente Bonet Ribas.

"Concurso Regional Velocidad (III)" (R. C. Speed, from Lorca, Murcia) W. Juan Prats Ferrer.

"Concurso Regional Velocidad (IV)" (R. C. Speed, from Lorca, Murcia) W. Vicente Bonet Ribas.

"Concurso Regional Fondo" (R. C. Long Distance, from Almadenejos, Ciudad Real) W. Daniel Ribas Ribas.

1993: José Ribas Ribas, "Campeón Regional Absoluto" Ganador por coeficiente y puntuación.  (Absolute Balearic Champion by the total of his points).

1998: "Prestigio de Fondo" (Special Award to the best pigeon, Long Distance. W. Daniel Ribas Ribas, with the bird 61.466-95).

In the National Competitions, organised by the "Real Federación Colombófila Española", "Club Colombófilo Portmany" have been Spanish Champions in:

1973: "Concurso Nacional Gran Fondo" "Copa Madrina de la R.F.C.E. La Infanta Elena" (National Concourse, Special Trophy Princess Elena, Godmother of the Spanish federation, Greater Distance, from Jerez de la Frontera, Cadiz) W. José Cardona Costa with the bird 55.797-71.

1986: "Concurso Nacional Velocidad" (National Concourse Speed, from Lorca, Murcia) W.Daniel Ribas Ribas with the bird 110.460-84.

1987: "Paloma Superprestigio Fondo de tres años" (Superprestige tree year pigeon, special title, Long Distance) W. Antonio Ferrer-Olmedo.

1988: "As Paloma de Fondo" (Special tittle and award to the best bird, Long Distance) W. Juan Torres Roselló with the bird 31.385-86.

1989: "Prestigio Nacional de dos años, Fondo" (National Prestige two years, Long Distance) W. José Ribas Ribas with the bird 30.722-86.

1990: "Superprestigio de tres años, Fondo" (Super-prestige three years, Long Distance) W. Antonio Roselló Serra with the bird 242.208-87.

1998: "Prestigio Nacional de dos años, Fondo" (Super-prestige three years, Long Distance) W. Daniel Ribas Ribas with the bird 35.785-95.

In 1996, "Concurso Especial Larga Distancia" (Special Regional tournament, from Lisbon, Portugal, the longest distance to present time done in a Balearic Competition.) W. Angel Martínez Vallido with the bird 26.747-94. Juan Torres Roselló had two birds between the first ten, 4th and 5th and Juan A. Costa, one, 8th.  

"Club Colombófilo Portmany" have also organised the "X Exposición Regional de la Paloma Mensajera" in 1974.

And the "XXVI Exposición Nacional de la Paloma Mensajera" in 1992, in the Hotel Abrat, Sant Antoni de Portmany.

This Club was also editing for several years a special magazine "Colombófilos a pesar de todo" for the Balearic and Spanish racing pigeon fanciers, with a big success among them.

I would like to thank the "Club Colombófilo Portmany" and especially its president, Sr. Juan Torres Roselló for all the help and information they have given me with these articles.

José P Ribas

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Copyright © 1982-2023
Ibiza History Culture

Archive Mastered by Antonio Ribas Bamberger
Intro Informática Y Electronica S.L, Sant Antoni de Portmany, 07820 Eivissa, Illes Balears, España