Bookls on Ibiza

Pine Tree Island

A Novel from Ibiza’s Dawn

By Ben Dunwell
Illustrations by Dominique Sanson, maps by Joanna Hruby

Publisher: Barbary Press (Martin Davies)

Dimensions and illustrations: 316 pp. (346 Spanish ed.), 20 x 13 x 2.5 cm, eight drawings, two maps

Weight: 364 gr. (English), 396 gr. (Spanish)

Price: €21.00 + €5.00 p&p (UK/Europe), €1.00 (Spain), €6.30 (Rest of world) £17.90 + £4.30 p&p (UK/Europe), £0.85 (Spain), £5.40 (Rest of world)

ISBN (English): 9788409343683 Pine Tree Island

ISBN (Spanish): 9788409345663 Isla de Pinos (Translated by Eva María Ríos Castillo)

Book Launch

Ebusus (Sala de Cultura), Vara de Rey 20, Ibiza Town, Saturday 18th December 2021 at 18.30.
Guest speakers Emily Kaufman (author of The History Buff's Guide to Ibiza), Martin Davies (publisher), the author and Dean Gallagher, snake handler and protector of the Pityusan wall lizard.(Ebusus hosts from 15th December to 6th January 2022 an exhibition of outstanding photographs of this endangered species taken by Sebastián Candela).


In the golden age of the Phoenicians, only the western reaches of the Great Sea remain uncharted. Kaly, a restless teenager from the ancient port of Tyre, escapes the clutches of her fiendish grandmother, high priestess of the Goddess. She flees west with her father, a famed helmsman and explorer. Together they discover the fabled Pine Tree Island, where they build a new home with a motley crew of fellow adventurers. But the wooded isle is not as empty as they think, so when danger catches up with her from the East, Kaly is trapped between the peril they know and something darker lurking in the endless and impenetrable forests.

"A wonderfully woven tale, drawing us in until we are immersed in a primeval world that seems both foreign and strangely familiar. Dunwell’s characters are alive and resonant, imbued with timeless traits that span the chasms of human experience: love, fear, ambition, rivalry and honour. " Emily Kaufman, author of A History Buff ’s Guide to Ibiza.


Ben Dunwell was born in England in 1969. He spent years as a librettist collaborating with the composer Will Todd. He moved to Ibiza in 2014, and now lives above San Juan with his family. Pine Tree Island is his first novel.

Ben Dunwell signing copies of his newly published Pine Tree Island (Spanish ed.Isla de Pinos) following the launch at Ebusus (Sala de Cultura) on 18th December (Photo © Enrique Villalonga / Filmótica, 2021)

Cover painting (illustrations inside) by Dominique Sanson
One of two maps by Joanna Hruby


Corría la época dorada de los fenicios, cuando tan sólo quedaban por explorar los confines occidentales del Gran Mar. Kaly, una inquieta adolescente que vive en el antiguo puerto de Tiro, consigue escapar de las garras de su malvada abuela, la suma sacerdotisa de la Diosa Madre, y huye hacia el oeste con su padre, un afamado timonel y reconocido explorador. Juntos descubren la mítica Isla de Pinos, donde comenzarán una nueva vida en compañía de una variopinta cuadrilla de aventureros. Sin embargo, en aquella frondosa isla no están tan solos como ellos piensan, y cuando el peligro que venía persiguiendo a Kaly desde oriente logra alcanzarla, se ve atrapada entre una amenaza que ya conoce y otra más siniestra que acecha oculta en los impenetrables bosques."

"Una historia maravillosamente contada que nos transporta a un tiempo remoto e incluso primitivo, pero a la vez curiosamente familiar. Los personajes de Dunwell, entrañables y rebosantes de vida, poseen rasgos atemporales que abarcan los abismos de la experiencia humana: amor, miedo, ambición, rivalidad y honor." Emily Kaufman, autora de Gran historia de Ibiza.

Ben Dunwell nació en Inglaterra en 1969. Trabajó muchos años como libretista (letrista) junto al compositor Will Todd. En el año 2014, se mudó a la isla de Ibiza, donde vive desde entonces con su familia, en San Juan. Isla de Pinos es su primera novela.

Martin Davies

Island Map

Ibiza History Culture


Ibiza Authors

Eva Lis Wuorio

Gina & Harold Liebow

John Mercer

Helen Cresswell

Orietta Sala & Claudine Titeca

Emily Kaufman

Gaston Vuillier

Peter Kinsley

Penelope Grogan

Norman Lewis

Margaret d'Estes

Mary Stuart Boyd

J.E.Crawford Flitch

John Anthony West

Robert Goldston

Falcon Barker

Clifford Irving

Kika D

Elliot Paul

Children's Books

The Island of Fish in the Trees

Tal and the Magic Barruget

Juanito of the Tower

Lizard Island Expedition

Crazy for Cats

Biographical Portraits

Emily Kaufman

Harold Liebow

Gaston Vuillier

The Forgotten Isles Part One

The Forgotten Isles Part Two

The Forgotten Isles Part Three

Novels, Old & New

The Pistolero

Bogged Down in County Lyric

The Mending of Cathlene

The Tenth Year of the Ship

Pine Tree Island

Edwardian Travel-Writers

With a Camera in Majorca

The Fortunate Isles

Mediterranean Moods

Egypt and Ancient Ibiza

Osborne's Army

Egypt and Bes

The Story of Bes

The Catafalaque

Roman Gallery Beneath the Sea