Ibiza History Culture

Established 1982
Ibiza Artists Anthropology Bibliomania Ecology History Features


by Gary Hardy

Ibiza Winter Technicolor - Part Five



We've had several e-mail recently to comment on the pictures that we've been publishing over the past month and some people have written in to say that these photos bring back some wonderful memories of Ibiza.

Therefore, we intend to carry on for a while with the pictures and this week I thought it would be a good idea to show people out there in the big wide world what the "Gentle Ibicenco Women of the Land" are doing during this brilliant and colourful period of the year.

Taking the Sheep Home

Cutting Grass for the Rabbits

Salt of the Earth
Bringing Home the Grass

Grass for the Animals

Having a rest by the Haystack

Collecting for Herbs

Staff of Life

Planting Potatoes

Homeward Bound

All Pictures © Gary Hardy

Gary Hardy
